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Teekond >> Doktori projekt >> SIAI

SIAI hetketegevus
from   Tyler Emerson <emerson@singinst.org>    3:21 am 
reply-to   World Transhumanist Association Discussion List <wta-talk@transhumanism.org>  
to    sl4@sl4.org, wta-talk@transhumanism.org, extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org  
date  Aug 1, 2007 3:21 AM  
subject  [wta-talk] SIAI: Why We Exist and Our Short-Term Research Program  
Lõike Tyler Emersoni kirjast, rõhutused minu poolt:
However, there is one question we feel is absolutely critical to the
goal of figuring out how to develop advanced AI the right way, which
remains essentially unexplored within academia and industry. SIAI's
short-term research mission is to resolve this one question as
thoroughly as possible. Compactly stated, the question is this:
How can one make an AI system that modifies and improves itself, yet
does not lose track of the top-level goals with which it was
originally supplied?
This question is simple to state but devilishly difficult to resolve –
it's not even an easy thing to formalize in the language of modern
mathematics and AI.
To understand the significance of this question, think about this:
What is the most likely way for humans to create an AI system that's a
lot smarter than humans? The answer is: To create an AI system that's
a little smarter than humans … and ask it to figure out how to make
itself a little bit smarter; and so on, and so on.
SIAI's Short-Term Research Program
We aim to resolve this crucial question by simultaneously proceeding
on two fronts:
1. Experimentation with practical, contemporary AI systems that modify
and improve their own source code.
2. Extension and refinement of mathematical tools to enable rigorous
formal analysis of advanced self-improving AI's.

Järgneva osa teksti selles emailis kopeerisin eraldi jaotusse:
http://roland.pri.ee/wiki/moses - räägib tehisintellekti projektist MOSES (self-modifying AI).

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