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Sisseloginud kasutajatele märgistatakse automaatselt teksti piirkonnad, mis on muutunud alates viimasest lugemisest. Lisandunud osa on roheline, eemaldatud osa punane.
Lisaks märgistatakse sisseloginud kasutajatele menüüs täiendavate värvide abil artiklid, mis on kasutajal loetud (hall), ning artiklid, mis on peale lugemist täienenud (roheline).



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Luba ligipääs ainult kasutajanimedele (eralda komadega). Autoril on alati ligipääs. :

Kus roboteid kasutatakse ja kuidas kasutatakse tulevikus?
Futurist: Looking ten to twenty years in the future, give me a headline. What's the big AI development that's going to change the way people think about the field?
Brooks: If you went back to 1985 and you told people they would have lots of computers in their houses, they would have thought that was crazy. Where would we put those big boxes with the spinning discs? That was the conception of computers at that time.  I think what people are going to see in their houses in fifteen or twenty years are robots, many robots. There's already more than two million people in the U.S. that have cleaning robots....
Brooks: I think the biggest manifestation that people will associate with AI is going to be robots but the reality is people who use Google are using a big AI system all the time. You book an airline flight online, the airline's routing is written by an AI lab, an AI lab at MIT is writing such things. So, already, in peoples' everyday lives, they're using AI systems all the time, but they don't think of them as AI systems; they think of them as a web application, a cell phone, a map, but they're AI systems.
* from BillK <pharos@gmail.com>
to sl4@sl4.org
date Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 7:35 PM
subject Re: [sl4] FAI in practice
Robot care for the elderly is already a fast developing sector,
crying out for a chunk of FAI.

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